Orthopedic Center Of Florida Services

Digital X-Ray
A proper X-Ray is probably the first and foremost piece of diagnostic information that aides in your diagnosis and treatment. OCF’s X-Ray department is completely digital, offering the following:
Immediate Availability – The procedure is usually completed within ten minutes. All images are immediately stored in PACS (Picture Archiving Communication System) and sent to your doctor’s computer.
High Quality & Resolution with Low Radiation – The level of radiation exposure from X-Rays is not harmful, but we will take special precautions if a patient is pregnant.
Unique Protocols – Limb length discrepancy evaluation is offered to create an exact template of lower limb lengths, which assist in treating malalignment and is used for surgical planning in the lower extremity
Fluoroscopy is an imaging technique that uses low dose focused x-rays for guidance during injections and procedures. This imaging modality allows for enhanced visualization and more accurate placement of injections with less trauma and the ability to use smaller instruments.
Fluoroscopy can be used in conjunction with certain injectable dyes that enhance visualization and improve diagnosis. It can also be used for real time fracture reduction when manipulation and correction is needed in the office.

Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
High resolution ultrasound can be used as a first line imaging modality to assess and diagnose soft tissue pathology of tendons, muscles, ligaments, and peripheral nerves of the musculoskeletal system.
Ultrasound benefits include:
- Real time evaluation of soft tissue thickness, viscosity of fluid, and point of maximal intensity pain.
- Ability to evaluate structures through range of motion.
- Evaluation of stress fractures, joint inflammation, strains/sprains, tendonitis, hematoma, muscle tears, and disruptions.
- Provides PRECISE guidance for injections, needle placement for biopsy, aspiration, and visualize of needle placement.
- Non-invasive, cost effective modality that frequently eliminated the necessity for an MRI.

For more Imaging information, contact Orthopedic Center of Florida or schedule online for a consultation in our Fort Myers, Estero or Naples, FL offices.